Weather cooperates for the Samyang Black Sand Beach Festival
Weather cooperates for the Samyang Black Sand Beach Festival
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Though Saturday, Aug. 13 started off bleak and unpromising, by the afternoon the gloom gave way to perfect beach weather convincing approximately 500 people to attend the Samyang Black Sand Beach Festival, near Jeju City.

As far as the eye could see the beach was covered with girls in sundresses, boys kicking soccer balls or playing a game of catch, infants playing in the surf, and couples sunbathing. The Samyang Black Sand Beach Festival was definitely a family event that brought the community together.

As the sunset the stage lights rose and almost two dozen performances by local students of all ages took place near the entrance of the beach. There was singing, rapping, dancing, drumming, and a lot more dancing. At the end of the night the best group was awarded a prize.   <Jeju Weekly>

<Darryl Coote  ⓒ Jeju Weekly All rights reserved>

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